Circulating Light Beams can be created using
gamma and magnetic fields to warp time. The approach can twist
space that causes time to be twisted, meaning you could
theoretically walk through time as you walk through space.

A number of interesting post-Newtonian phenomena are known to
occur for rotating distributions of matter in Einstein’s general
theory of relativity. Inertial frame dragging, for example, is a
consequence of the weak gravitational field of a slowly rotating
massive sphere. In addition, exact solutions of the
Einstein field equations indicate the presence of closed
timelike lines for rotating Kerr black holes, van Stockum
rotating dust cylinders, and the rotating universe of Gödel.
The key characteristics of the application of circulating light
beams for time control and time travel are presented in the
picture below. This is followed by more detail describing the
approach below.

Recently, Ronald L. Mallett solved the linearized Einstein field
equations to obtain the gravitational field produced by the
electromagnetic radiation of a unidirectional ring laser. It was
shown that a massive spinning neutral particle at the center of
the ring laser exhibited inertial frame dragging.

Ronald L Mallett |
Traveling close to the speed of light will slow a clock, even an
atomic clock. Likewise, a clock outside our atmosphere, far away
from any gravitational pull, will run faster than a clock on
earth. Therefore, if an artificial gravitational force were
created, time travel would, in theory, be possible.
Mallett believes he has found a way to make it happen. By
trapping light inside a photonic crystal, he can cause it to
circulate. The energy of the circulating light will cause the
space inside the circle to twist, causing a gravitational force.
This concept can be thought of as a spoon stirring a pot. The
light is the spoon rotating around the inner rim of the pot. The
space is the liquid being swirled by the spoon. As the space
twists, it will coil the normally linear passage of time with
it, spiraling the past, present, and future together into one
continuous loop. It is this twisting of space and time that
Mallett believes will make time travel possible.
Mallett and his partner at the University of Connecticut, Dr.
Chandra Raychoudhuri, are seeking National Science Foundation
funding for experiments that they hope will support their
theories. Their first experiment will be to trap light in a
crystal and observe the reaction of a neutron inside the circle.
Mallett will insert polarized neutrons (neutrons that all spin
in one direction) into the center of the circulating light. If
he sees a change in their spin he will know that space is indeed
being twisted inside of the crystal. Should this experiment
prove successful, the team will apply for funding to conduct
studies to see if time bending is evident inside the circle of
Dr. Mark Silverman at Trinity College in nearby Hartford has
suggested a possible way to see evidence of time bending: Two
identical samples of a radioactive substance would be prepared
with identical half-lives. One would be introduced into the time
machine circulating in the same direction as the light, the
other in the opposite direction. If, at the end of the
experiment, one sample had decayed further than the other,
Mallett's theories of time travel would be supported.
Where the experiments will go from there is unclear. There is a
vast difference between slowing the decay rate of a radioactive
particle and sending a human back in time. Science aside,
sending people through time creates philosophical issues as well
as physical ones. Consider the "Grandparent Paradox" in which a
time traveler goes back in time and kills her grandparents, thus
negating her entire existence. If she were never born, then she
couldn't go back in time in the first place. Mallett explains
paradoxes such as these with a parallel-universe theory. He
believes that with every decision we make, another version of us
makes the opposite decision and splits off into a parallel
universe. Thus the time traveler was born in the universe where
she did not kill her grandparents.
This is where the line between philosophy and physics seems to
blur. "All of these things have their root in philosophy," says
Mallett. But he explains that the difference between physics and
philosophy is experiment. "All of these things would be
philosophy without experimentation," he says. True, the
parallel-universe theory has not been directly supported by
experiment, but Mallett uses the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle to explain
why the parallel universe theory is probable.
Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle says that we cannot predict
both the position of an electron and its spin at any given
moment. Without this principle, "the universe should have
collapsed immediately after it was formed," says Mallett. A
hydrogen atom, one of the building blocks of our universe,
consists of a proton and an electron. Since the proton and
electron have opposite charges they should be attracted to each
other, collide, and destroy the atom. But if that happened, we
would know both the position of the electron (the point of
impact with the proton) and its spin (none); therefore it is
impossible for them to collide.

Sun distorting spacetime. |
Similar to the Uncertainty Principle, quantum mechanics works on
the theory that one can't make a definite prediction about
anything that will happen next. Therefore the parallel-universe
theory works well. What will happen next can't be predicted
because in fact, everything happens next.
It has long been known(3, 4) that the van Stockum solution for
the exterior metric of an infinitely long rotating dust cylinder
contains closed timelike lines. Dr. Mallett has proposed that
closed timelike curves also
occur for an infinitely long circulating cylinder of light. This
model also shares some of the same limitations as the van
Stockum solution in that the metric is not asymptotically flat,
however, has emphasized that certain aspects of an infinitely
long rotating dust cylinder may be shared by a long finite one.
This may also apply to a long but finite circulating cylinder of
light. |