Cosmic Strings are a hypothetical 1-dimensional
(spatially) topological defect in the fabric of spacetime left
over from the formation of the universe. Interaction could
create fields of closed time-like curves permitting backwards
time travel.
Some scientists have suggested using "cosmic strings" to
construct a time machine. By maneuvering two cosmic strings
close together – or possibly just one string plus a black hole –
it is theoretically possible to create a whole array of "closed
time-like curves." Your best bet is to fire two infinitely long
cosmic strings past each other at very high speeds, then fly
your ship around them in a carefully calculated figure eight. In
theory, you would be able to emerge anywhere, anytime!
At the moment, these are purely theoretical objects that might
possibly be left over from the creation of the universe in the
Big Bang. A black hole contains a one-dimensional singularity –
an infinitely small point in the space-time continuum. A cosmic
string, if such a thing existed, would be a two-dimensional
infinitely thin line that has even stranger effects on the
fabric of space and time. Although no one has actually found a
cosmic string, astronomers have suggested that they may explain
strange effects seen in distant galaxies.

A cosmic string is a 1-dimensional (spatially) topological
defect in various fields. Cosmic strings are hypothesized to
form when the field undergoes a phase change in different
regions of spacetime, resulting in condensations of energy
density at the boundaries between regions. This is somewhat
analogous to the imperfections that form between crystal grains
in solidifying liquids, or the cracks that form when water
freezes into ice. The phase changes that produce cosmic strings
may have occurred in the earliest moments of the universe's
The key characteristics of the application of cosmic strings for
time control and time travel are presented in the picture below.
This is followed by more detail describing the theory below.

Cosmic strings, if they exist, would be extremely thin with
diameters on the same order as a proton. They would have immense
density, however, and so would represent significant
gravitational sources. A cosmic string 1.6 kilometers in length
may be heavier than the Earth. However general relativity
predicts that the gravitational potential of a straight string
vanishes: there is no gravitational force on static surrounding
matter. The only gravitational effect of a straight cosmic
string is a relative deflection of matter (or light) passing the
string on opposite sides (a purely topological effect). A closed
loop of cosmic string gravitates in a more conventional way.
During the expansion of the universe, cosmic strings would form
a network of loops, and their gravity could have been
responsible for the original clumping of matter into galactic
A cosmic string's vibrations, which would oscillate near the
speed of light, can cause part of the string to pinch off into
an isolated loop. These loops have a finite lifespan due to
decay via gravitational radiation.
Other types of topological defects in spacetime are domain
walls, monopoles, and textures.
Observational evidence
It was once thought that the gravitational influence of cosmic
strings might contribute to the large-scale clumping of matter
in the universe, but all that is known today through galaxy
surveys and precision measurements of the cosmic microwave
background fits an evolution out of random, Gaussian
fluctuations. These precise observations therefore tend to rule
out a significant role for cosmic strings.
Gravitational lensing of a galaxy by a straight section of a
cosmic string would produce two identical, undistorted images of
the galaxy. In 2003 a group led by Mikhail Sazhin reported the
accidental discovery of two seemingly identical galaxies very
close together in the sky, leading to speculation that a cosmic
string had been found. However, observations by the Hubble Space
Telescope in January 2005 showed them to be a pair of similar
galaxies, not two images of the same galaxy. A cosmic string
would produce a similar duplicate image of fluctuations in the
cosmic microwave background, which might be detectable by the
upcoming Planck Surveyor mission.
A second piece of evidence supporting cosmic string theory is a
phenomenon observed in observations of the "double quasar"
called Q0957+561A,B. Originally discovered by Dennis Walsh, Bob
Carswell, and Ray Weymann in 1979, the double image of this
quasar is caused by a galaxy positioned between it and the
Earth. The gravitational lens effect of this intermediate galaxy
bends the quasar's light so that it follows two paths of
different lengths to Earth. The result is that we see two images
of the same quasar, one arriving a short time after the other
(about 417.1 days later).
However, a team of astronomers at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics led by Rudolph Schild studied the quasar and
found that during the period between September 1994 and July
1995 the two images appeared to have no time delay; changes in
the brightness of the two images occurred simultaneously on four
separate occasions. Schild and his team believe that the only
explanation for this observation is that a cosmic string passed
between the Earth and the quasar during that time period
traveling at very high speed and oscillating with a period of
about 100 days.
The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO)
and upcoming gravitational wave observatories will search for
cosmic strings as well as other phenomenon with the byproduct of
gravitational waves.
String theory and cosmic strings
There is no direct connection between string theory and the
theory of cosmic strings (the names were chosen independently by
analogy with ordinary string). However, work in string theory
revived interest in cosmic strings in the early 2000s. In 2002
Henry Tye and collaborators observed the production of cosmic
strings during the last stages of brane inflation. It was also
pointed out by string theorist Joseph Polchinski that the
expanding Universe could have stretched a "fundamental" string
(the sort which superstring theory considers) until it was of
intergalactic size. Such a stretched string would exhibit many
of the properties of the old "cosmic" string variety, making the
older calculations useful again. Furthermore, modern superstring
theories offer other objects which could feasibly resemble
cosmic strings, such as highly elongated one-dimensional D-branes
(known as "D-strings"). As theorist Tom Kibble remarks, "string
theory cosmologists have discovered cosmic strings lurking
everywhere in the undergrowth". Older proposals for detecting
cosmic strings could now be used to investigate superstring

Scientists at the LIGO Livingston
Observatory in
Louisiana are searching for evidence of
gravitational waves. |
Superstrings, D-strings or other stringy objects stretched to
intergalactic scales would radiate gravitational waves, which
could presumably be detected using experiments like LIGO. They
might also cause slight irregularities in the cosmic microwave
background, too subtle to have been detected yet but possibly
within the realm of future observability.
Note that most of these proposals depend, however, on the
appropriate cosmological fundamentals (strings, branes, etc.),
and no convincing experimental verification of these has been