Top 13 Side Hustles For Students To Try In 2024

In 2024, side hustles have become essential for students seeking financial independence and skill development. 

With the rise of the gig economy, students can now balance academics with part-time work that fits their schedules. Side hustles not only provide extra income but also enhance time management and professional skills. 

In this article, you’ll learn about 13 top side hustles for college and high school students in 2024, helping them find opportunities that align with their skills, interests, and availability.

13 Best Side Hustles For Students In 2024

In 2024, students have numerous side hustle opportunities to explore, which will allow them to earn extra income, gain experience, and nourish skills that can benefit their future careers. About 24% of Americans planned to start a side hustle in 2022. 

Below is a table that details some of the top side hustles for students. 

Side Hustle Initial Investment Time Invested Difficulty 
Freelancing Low ($0-$60)Varies by project Medium 
Online Tutoring Low ($0-$25)5-20 hours/weekMedium 
Content Creation Medium ($60-$250)10-30 hours/weekHigh 
Online Blogging Low ($0-$60)5-15 hours/weekMedium 
Sell on Amazon FBAHigh ($250-$600)10-20 hours/weekHigh 
Affiliate MarketingLow ($0-$60)5-15 hours/weekMedium 
Online Product ReviewLow ($0-$60)5-10 hours/weekMedium 
Virtual AssistantLow ($0-$60)10-20 hours/weekLow to Medium 
Selling Handmade Products Medium ($60-$180)10-20 hours/weekMedium 
Product ResellingMedium ($60-$250)10-20 hours/weekMedium 
Conduct Customer InterviewsLow ($0-$25)5-10 hours/weekLow 
Test Apps and PlatformsLow ($0-$25)5-10 hours/weekLow 
Offer Pet-sitting and Dog-walking servicesLow ($0-$25)5-15 hours/weekLow 

Whether you’re searching for a flexible gig to fit around your studies or a more time-investing project to get into during your breaks, there’s something out there for everyone. Let’s explore the side hustles for students in detail.

1. Freelancing

Freelancing has become a popular side hustle for students in 2024. This is because it offers flexible work opportunities across various fields. Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr connect freelancers with clients seeking writing, graphic design, programming, and more services. 

Source: Fiverr

According to a recent New Upwork study, over 36% of the U.S. workforce engages in freelance work, highlighting its growing popularity. And by 2028, there will be over 90 million U.S. freelancers. 

Earning potential varies significantly based on skills and experience; for instance, freelance writers can earn between $20 and $100 per hour, while graphic designers can make $25 to $75 per hour. 

Programming gigs often command higher rates, ranging from $50 to $150 per hour. The flexibility to set your schedule and choose projects makes freelancing an ideal option for students balancing coursework and other commitments.

2. Online Tutoring

In 2024, online tutoring has emerged as an excellent side hustle for students. This side hustle allows them to share their math, science, and language knowledge. 

Platforms such as Chegg, Teachable, and facilitate and mediate connections between tutors and students needing academic assistance. Among these, Teachable is well-known for offering various discounts. 

Online Tutoring
Source: Teachable

This growing industry reflects the increasing demand for personalized education support. The market size is expected to grow by $196.35 billion at a CAGR of 15.38% between 2022 and 2027. 

Tutors on these platforms can earn competitive rates, typically ranging from $15 to $30 per hour, depending on the subject and level of expertise. Some specialized subjects or advanced courses can command even higher rates. 

Online tutoring offers a flexible schedule, enabling students to work from home and manage their time effectively while helping others achieve academic success. You can start learning online coding from different courses so that you can teach with excellence. 

3. Content Creation

Content creation is a thriving side hustle for students in 2024. Students can leverage platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and blogging to share videos, articles, and social media content. 

Content Creation
Source: TikTok

This dynamic field allows creators to express their creativity and build personal brands. With over 2.5 billion monthly active users on YouTube and 1 billion on TikTok, the audience reach is vast. 

The earning potential varies widely; YouTube creators can earn $3 to $5 per 1,000 views through ad revenue, while TikTok influencers might make between $200 to $20,000 per branded post, depending on follower count. 

Bloggers can generate income through ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing, with top bloggers earning over $10,000 monthly. Content creation demands consistent effort and creativity but offers substantial financial rewards and growth opportunities.

4. Online Blogging

Online blogging remains a popular side hustle for students in 2024, with platforms like WordPress and Medium offering accessible ways to publish content on personal experiences and niche interests. 

Online Blogging
Source: WordPress

Blogging allows students to build an online presence and connect with readers worldwide. According to ReportLinker, the global blogging industry is set to grow by $417.85 billion between 2021 and 2025, reflecting its significant growth. 

Bloggers earn through various monetization strategies, including advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate marketing. You can use tools like ProWritingAid to make content writing and blogging easy. Additionally, ProWritingAid offers various discounts for new and existing users. 

Successful bloggers can generate anywhere from a few hundred to several thousand dollars per month, depending on their audience size and engagement levels. For instance, affiliate marketing alone can bring in $500 to $5,000 per month for established bloggers. 

Online blogging provides a flexible and creative outlet with considerable earning potential for students. Enhance your blogging expertise by using Grammarly and its student discounts

5. Sell On Amazon FBA

Selling on Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) is a lucrative side hustle for students in 2024. Platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce facilitate setting up online stores, but Amazon FBA stands out for its vast reach and convenience. 

Sell On Amazon FBA
Source: Amazon FBA

Amazon FBA handles storage, packaging, and shipping, allowing sellers to focus on product sourcing and marketing. Tools like JungleScout help identify profitable niches and trending products, optimizing the chances of success. 

Jungle Scout - Sell On Amazon FBA
Source: JungleScout

Students can sell both digital goods and physical products, with the latter being more common on Amazon FBA.

The earning potential is significant; a 2023 survey revealed that 61% of Amazon sellers achieve profit margins above 10%, and 22% of sellers surpass $100,000 in annual revenue. 

While the initial investment can be high, typically between $1,000 to $3,000 for inventory and tools, the scalability and passive income potential make Amazon FBA an attractive option for entrepreneurial students looking to earn a substantial income.

6. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the top side hustles for students in 2024, enabling them to earn commissions by promoting products from platforms like Amazon Associates and ShareASale. 

Affiliate Marketing
Source: Amazon Associate 

This involves creating content such as blog posts, social media updates, or videos with affiliate links. When readers or viewers click on these links and make purchases, the affiliate earns a commission. 

According to recent data, the affiliate marketing industry is projected to reach $8.2 billion by 2025. Earning potential varies widely; beginners may earn $100 to $500 monthly, while experienced marketers with large audiences can make upwards of $10,000 monthly. 

Affiliate marketing’s low initial investment and flexible nature make it an attractive option for students looking to monetize their online presence and content creation skills.

7. Online Product Review

Online product reviewing is a popular side hustle for students in 2024. They utilize platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and personal blogs to share opinions on various products, such as tech gadgets, books, and fashion. 

Online Product Review
Source: Instagram 

This involves creating detailed and engaging content that attracts viewers and readers, offering valuable product insights. 

According to industry data, the global product review market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.8% from 2021 to 2028. 

Earning potential varies; reviewers can earn through affiliate marketing, sponsorships, and ad revenue. For instance, a popular tech reviewer on YouTube can make between $1,000 and $10,000 monthly through ads and sponsored content. 

This side hustle requires an initial investment in the products reviewed but offers flexible hours and the potential for significant income as the audience grows.

8. Virtual Assistant

Becoming a virtual assistant is an excellent side hustle for students in 2024. It offers flexible work opportunities in tasks such as email management, scheduling, and social media management.

Platforms like Belay and Time Etc connect virtual assistants with clients ranging from small business owners to busy professionals. According to market research, the demand for virtual assistants is rising, with the global market expected to reach $25.6 billion by 2025. 

Virtual Assistant
Source: Time Etc

Earning potential is competitive; entry-level virtual assistants typically earn between  $15 to $25 per hour, while more experienced VAs can command rates of $30 to $60 per hour. This role allows students to develop valuable organizational and communication skills while earning a steady income.

The flexible nature of virtual assistant work makes it an ideal option for students balancing academic and personal commitments.

9. Selling Handmade Products

Selling handmade products will be a lucrative side hustle for students in 2024. Platforms like Etsy and eBay offer accessible markets for crafts, jewelry, and art. 

Selling Handmade Products
Source: Etsy 

Etsy, known for its creative community, allows sellers to reach a niche audience that values unique, handcrafted items. With its broader customer base, eBay provides a wider reach but more competition.

The earning potential varies significantly; successful Etsy sellers can earn between $43,000 and $46,000 annually. Factors influencing earnings include product type, seller experience, and marketing efforts. 

With low startup costs and the ability to manage shops flexibly, students can effectively balance this side hustle with their academic commitments, making it an attractive option for generating income.

10. Product Reselling

Product reselling is a popular side hustle for students in 2024, leveraging platforms like eBay, Poshmark, Amazon FBA, and Jungle Scout. These platforms cater to various products, including second-hand clothes and electronics.

Product Reselling
Source: eBay 

eBay and Poshmark are ideal for selling used clothing, with Poshmark focusing on fashion and eBay offering a broader market. Amazon FBA allows resellers to benefit from Amazon’s vast customer base and logistics network, while Jungle Scout aids in finding profitable products.

The earning potential varies; successful resellers can earn between $1,000 and $5,000 monthly, depending on the product type, sourcing strategy, and market demand.

This flexibility makes product reselling an attractive option for students balancing academics and entrepreneurship. Students get the discounted pricing on Jungle Scout as well and create their Amazon seller account in no time.

11. Conduct Customer Interviews

Conducting customer interviews is a valuable side hustle for students in 2024. Platforms like UserTesting and Respondent facilitate this by connecting users with companies seeking feedback on their products and services.

Conduct Customer Interviews
Source: Respondent

Participants typically engage in remote interviews or usability tests, providing insights that help businesses improve their offerings.

The process is simple:

  • Sign up on these platforms.
  • Complete a profile.
  • Start receiving interview opportunities based on your demographics and interests. 

The earning potential is attractive; students can earn between $10 to $60 per hour, depending on the complexity and length of the interview. This flexibility allows students to balance their academic responsibilities while earning a steady income.

12. Test Apps And Platforms

Testing apps and platforms is a promising side hustle for students in 2024. Platforms like Testbirds and UserTesting connect testers with companies needing app and website usability feedback.

Test Apps and Platforms
Source: Testbirds 

Testers typically perform tasks such as navigating apps, identifying bugs, and providing detailed feedback on user experience. This process helps companies enhance their digital products. 

The earning potential is appealing; testers can earn between $10 to $60 per test, depending on the complexity and duration.

With flexible hours and the ability to work from anywhere, this side hustle allows students to balance their academic commitments while gaining valuable insights into the tech industry and earning a steady income.

13. Offer Pet-sitting And Dog-walking Services

Pet-sitting and dog-walking are excellent student side hustles, providing flexible hours and the joy of working with animals. 

Platforms like Rover and local community boards connect pet owners with reliable sitters and walkers. Tasks include feeding, walking, and playing with pets, ensuring their well-being while owners are away.

Offer Pet-sitting and Dog-walking Services
Source: Rover 

The pet care industry is booming, with the U.S. dog-walking market alone valued at $1.3 billion in 2023. Pet sitters and dog walkers can earn between $15 to $30 per hour, depending on the location and services offered. 

With consistent demand, students can potentially earn a significant income while balancing their studies. Additionally, the rise in pet ownership post-pandemic has increased the need for these services, making it a lucrative opportunity.

Conclusion: In 2024, Students Have Abundant Opportunities To Pursue Side Hustles!

In conclusion, 2024 offers many side hustle opportunities that empower students financially and professionally. 

From freelancing and online tutoring to content creation and e-commerce, these ventures not only supplement income but also foster essential skills in time management, entrepreneurship, and digital literacy. 

The gig economy, which is expanding three times faster than the total workforce and is expected to reach $500 billion in gross revenue within five years, provides flexible avenues for students to explore their passions and gain real-world experience while studying. 

Starting a side hustle now can lay the groundwork for future career success, offering independence and resilience in an evolving job market. 

Remember to prioritize balance, utilize time wisely, and seize the potential to academically and financially thrive.


What are the top side hustles for students with minimal initial investment? 

Freelancing, online tutoring, and conducting customer interviews are excellent options requiring minimal to low initial investment.

Which side hustle has the highest earning potential for students? 

Content creation on platforms like YouTube and TikTok can generate significant income through ads and sponsored content, with top creators earning millions annually.

How can students effectively balance side hustles with their academic commitments?

Effective time management, setting clear schedules, and using productivity tools are key strategies for balancing studies and side hustles.

Are there side hustles that necessitate specific skills or expertise? 

Freelance work in fields such as programming, graphic design, and specialized tutoring requires specific skills. 

What are the advantages of starting a side hustle as a student? 

Side hustles provide financial independence, skill development, and valuable real-world experience, which are beneficial for future career paths. 

Can a side hustle be transformed into a full-time career? 

Many successful entrepreneurs began with a side hustle during their student years and eventually scaled it into a full-time career.

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