A Course in Time Travel
Excerpts from "A Handbook for Multidimensional Consciousness"
by Curtis Jackson, D.D., D.M.
Excerpt 45 - NINTH DIMENSIONALPOWERAs concerns power in our 3D reality, we as Time Travelers are faced with having to walk a very narrow path. If we stray even momentarily we reap instant karma. Since our intent is usually for the greatest good our karma is usually bad coming into cause and effect with pre-existing out of balance conditions. On the other hand, if we make no choices, we still find ourselves in unenviable positions. We see ruthless people wallowing in opulence while many times, we who have worked hard for spiritual enlightenment, being hobbled with moral constraints, can barely eke out an existence. The question is, how can we function here without getting kicked around by our environment? The answer is passive power that is found in the 9D.With a little practice the following techniques can be mastered and can actually be a lot of fun. Passive power is about having choices. It is about selecting which reality you will experience from existing possibilities. As an example, when you fill your plate from a buffet you make choices from what is available. Karmically it does not matter which selections you make. It would matter if you selected something that was not available. It might disappoint or embarrass you. You could wind up with no food at all even though you paid for it. This is how many of us go through life, making disappointing choices that were not available to start with. In other words, our expectations exceed our immediate possibilities, and we are usually not aware that we have sabotaged ourselves before we even got started. We are not aware that our failures are a direct result of not knowing what our choices were! 9D techniques allow you to know exactly what choices are available and how to select the best one for you. This works very much like selecting a station on the radio. You might flip from one station to another until you find one that you like. You might be looking for Classical but find that this choice is not available, so you settle for New Age instead. You picked the best choice for you out of the possibilities that are available. In our 3D world most people believe that the first choice they are given is the ONLY choice available. They want classical but wind up with 24 hour weather reports. They are unaware that they have choices! Making choices has nothing to do with being selfish or not being selfish. It has nothing to do with whether you deserve your choice or not. It is just a mechanical selection of either this or that. You make a conscious choice of whether to step on the nail or not to step on the nail. The technique I will share with you in this Excerpt is called "Changing Channels". CHANGING CHANNELSChanging channels can be implemented in several ways:
It is important to become as emotionally unattached to your
decision as possible. Be neither for or against. The more
emotion enters into your choice the more limited your choices
All of this can be done mentally, however, a very effective
verbal strategy is to say phrases like; "That is unacceptable."
"I am sorry but that is still unacceptable." "You will have to
do better than that." Say it as emotionally flat as possible.