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The False Front

Temporal anomalies are scattered throughout the world -- things that could not possibly belong to the time period in which they were found. Evidence exists of human civilization, artifacts and technology out of time that are abundant, well researched and well documented.

This forbidden knowledge is being protected and hidden from all of us. Today's popular view of modern human presence in the distant past is a false front. The real truth is out there showing proof of advanced technology and people millions of years before humanity is stated to have evolved on the planet.

Why has the scientific establishment and government suppressed and ignored these remarkable finds? Where did they come from? How did they get there? Why are we suppressing this suggestive proof of modern time travelers visiting our past?

As you study the forbidden knowledge on these pages a whole new truth will emerge and become apparent to you... the truth that the earth was visited or inhabited by modern humans using advanced technology long before the appearance of the first humans as the history books write today.

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Accepted Scientific View of Evolution on this Planet.

The chart above presents the accepted scientific view of evolution on this planet... It shows human beings appearing on the earth about 1.6 million years ago, and human civilization just 10,000 years ago.

However, using accepted scientific methods numerous finds show conclusive proof of modern humans and advanced civilizations present or visiting the earth's past long before this timeline represents as possible. The proof is shocking! Scientific proof of visitors, possibly time travelers, long before civilized man evolved on the planet.

From where, or perhaps "when," were advanced civilizations visiting our past thousands or millions of years before man appeared on the earth? As we move further back in time through the different eras, you will see evidence continue to grow... evidence showing proof of modern humans and technology in the distant past.

Source: FORBIDDEN ARCHEOLOGY, The Hidden History of the Human Race, by Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson, published by Bhaktivedanta Book Publishing, Inc. There is no better source for additional information and study on this subject than Forbidden Archeology. This remarkable collection of research and analysis is an important work of thorough-going scholarship and intellectual adventure.